key facts about publicitas

•  Leading international media services company
•  Unique partner for media owners, advertisers and agencies
•  Around 860 media specialists worldwide 
•  Global presence in more than 20 countries
•  A distinguished track record of success since 1890
•  Global billings of around 805 million Swiss Francs in 2013
•  Publicitas is a company of AURELIUS




AURELIUS is a publicly traded German holding company with offices in Munich and London.

Operating throughout Europe with 20 portfolio companies in industries such as: Media & Technology (e.g. Publicitas), Telecom, Chemical, Business Services as well as Consumer Goods/ Food & Beverage.

AURELIUS, with its 75 employees in the holding company and more than 11.000 in the whole enterprise, has a long-time investment horizon and is specialized on companies in markets
with plenty of potential for development. The turnover of the
companies is between 30 and 750 Euro million.

Speak to your target audience in the language they understand best. Their own.

What we do